

After updating the kernel, WMWare always complains about the kernel modules. The only solution is to recompile these modules using as root.

Networking under VMWare

The bridged network interface vmnet0 does not show up when using ifconfig to list interfaces.
vmnet0 may also not be started or stopped via ifup, ifdown.

For performance reasons, host networking (via vmnet1) is recommended:


To clone an existing Linux installation (e.g., transferring the system to a bigger hard disk), the following steps have been helpful:

The network driver of the original system is probably different from the system you installed the clone. As a result, networking will be broken.
Find the appropriate driver and load it manually, e.g. with modprobe pcnet32 (for VMWare).

Backup and restore

Closely related to cloning a system is the recovery from e.g. hard disk failure.


Set interface names

Since Linux assigns network interface names dynamically. your firewall scripts (and other stuff relying on fixed interface names) will produce interesting results.
Using /etc/iftab, the names may be set, e.g. in dependence of the MAC address:

eth0    mac 00:11:22:33:44:55
eth1    mac 00:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE

Syslog NG on Suse

To change from normal syslog to syslog-ng on Suse Linux, do the following

The most common configurations are already provided in /etc/syslog-ng/

Debian Survival

dpkg -l name List packages matching given pattern
apt-get -s install name Perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not actually change the system
apt-cache search name Performs a full text search on all available package files
apt-cache policy name Debug issues relating to the preferences file
dpkg -S name Search for installed packages

dsniff on (Suse) Linux

While dsniff happily compiles on FreeBSD and Gentoo, even the required (older versions of) libraries such as libnet and libnids fail to compile on a number of Linux distributions, partly due to the more strict requirements of the current gcc.

Patched versions of the troublemakers are provided at Enzotech.

Firewall Builder

I do prefer the simplicity (remember KISS - keep it simple, stupid) of ipfilter. Unfortunately, ipfilter is not available on Linux, so one ends up with iptables, which may be more flexible, but is definitely way more complex. A fine GUI for configuring (not only) iptables is Firewall Builder.


Windowmaker sometimes hangs while consuming about 98 percent of CPU time. Sending a SIGBUS signal to the second wmaker process (with the --for real parameter) usually helps.

root@crest:~ # ps aux | grep wmaker
wimmer   11871  0.0  0.1   7048  1648 ?        Ss   21:24   0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker
wimmer   11950  0.0  0.3   8720  4964 ?        S    21:24   0:01 /usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker --for-real
root     12478  0.0  0.0   1792   528 pts/4    R+   21:46   0:00 grep wmaker
root@crest:~ # kill -SIGBUS 11950



tar is still an extremely useful tool for making backups. Some caveats may exist, which are described as follows:


Files to backup

Depending on the software used, some directories are easily missed during a backup:

System files

File systems to mount /etc/fstab
X11 configuration /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Hostnames and IP-addresses /etc/hosts
Name resolution /etc/resolv.conf

Users home directory

VMware ~/.vmware
JPilot ~/.jpilot
GNU PG ~/.gnupg

System setup


Encrypted file system

Manually mount an encrypted file system

First, find the information required for proper mounting in /etc/cryptotab
/etc/cryptotab:/dev/loop0 /data/crypt /crypt ext3 twofishSL92 acl,user_xattr

Prepare the loopback device
# losetup -e twofishSL92 /dev/loop0 /data/crypt
Switching to SuSE 9.2 loop_fish2 compatibility mode.

Optional: Verify file system
# file -s /dev/loop0
/dev/loop0: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data

Finally, mount it (e.g., to directory /crypt):
# mount /dev/loop0 /crypt/

Oh, and SUSE is just so professional when it comes to system consistency: Kryptofilesystem 9.3 (German)

Always use loop0 as the first loop device in /etc/cryptotab !
(After adding another - usually bigger - loop device and deleting the original entry in /etc/cryptotab, you usually end up with e.g. loop1.)
Otherwise, strange error messages will occur, like
An error occured. Maybe the wrong passphrase was
entered or the file system on /data/crypto is corrupted.
Do you want to retry entering the passphrase or
do you want to continue with a file system check? ([yes]/no/check/)
Please enter passphrase for /data/crypto:
Error: Password must be at least 8 characters. failed

Find files

Find recently changed files: find directory -name filename -atime days
(-printf %AD 04/01/06)

-atime for the last access time, -mtime for the modification time.

Record shell activity

script project export PS1="\u@\h:\w \d \t \$ "

Dual head

Beware: (At least) Sax2 seems to have some wrong settings in its monitor table. Selecting a specific monitor makes it impossible to adjust the screen size correctly (both manually and automatically). Select a generic monitor, e.g. LCD 1680x1040, instead

April / Sept / Nov 2005; Oct 2006