Public Key Infrastructures

This page describes the creation of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) using openssl.
This PKI consists of:


Certificate Authority

A Certificate Authority (CA) issues and revokes digital certificates for use by other parties.
It shall be located on a separate, secure server.

Directory structure

To store certificates, a directory structure shall be created under /etc/ssl:

/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf OpenSSL configuration
/etc/ssl/CA/ Certifcate authority
/etc/ssl/CA/index.txt Log file
/etc/ssl/CA/serial Serial number
/etc/ssl/CA/private/ private keys
/etc/ssl/CA/private/cakey.key private key of the CA
/etc/ssl/CA/certs issued certificates
/etc/ssl/CA/newcerts new certificates

The files index.txt and serial shall be created and serial shall contain the first serial nummer, 01:

touch  /etc/ssl/CA/index.txt
cat 01 > /etc/ssl/CA/serial

File extensions

In accordance with with Apache, the following file extensions are used:

.crt certificate
.key (private) key

Openssl uses .pem as file extension for both types of keys and distuingishes them by file name:

Apache openssl
private/cakey.key private/cakey.pem
cacert.crt cacert.pem

OpenSSL configuration

The OpenSSL configuration file /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf only needs some minor changes:

dir = /etc/ssl/CA # Where everything is kept

[ req_distinguished_name ]
In this section, company name, location, etc. are pre-set.
Clients use this information to verify the authenticity of the certificate.


For authentication and encryption, certificates are used.
Certificates may be protected by a pass phrase. If a pass phrase is used with a CA or server certificate, it is required to enter that pass phrase upon reboot or service restart.

Of course there is the script to generate certificates, but I prefer to know what I'm doing.

CA certificate

The base certificate of the certificate authority with a validity of ten years is created by:

cd /etc/ssl/CA
openssl req -new -x509 -keyout cakey.key -out cacert.crt -days 3650

A Common Name (e.g., Security Guy root certifcate) is required, an e-mail address is recommended.
Two files result from this command, ca.cert and cakey.key.
The private key file cakey.key shall be moved to the private/ subdirectory.

Server certificate

Create the key for a server (e.g., web or VPN server):

openssl req -nodes -days 3650 -new -keyout server.key -out server.csr
openssl ca -days 3650 -out server.crt -in server.csr
rm server.csr
chmod 700 server.key

A Common Name is required, e.g. Security Guy web server.
No pass phrase is assigned to the server key (option -nodes).

Client certificates

Client certificates are used to authenticate qualified clients or users against a server.

For each user, a separate key is created.
A validity of one year is recommended for client certificates, with a common expiry date for all users (e.g. February 1st). The expiry date is calculated to always end on the same date, just the year needs to be adapted.
The Common Name should be the name of the user.

cd /etc/ssl/CA
expire=`date +%s -d 'Feb 1 00:00:00 UTC 2008'`
days=$(echo $expire `date +%s` - 60 / 60 / 24 / p |dc)
openssl req -nodes -days $days -new -keyout ${user}.key -out ${user}.csr
openssl ca -days $days -out ${user}.crt -in ${user}.csr
chmod 700 ${user}.key
rm ${user}.csr
mv ${user}.* /etc/ssl/CA/certs/

If a key is created with the name of an already existing key (e.g. due to a an error in a previous attempt), the corresponding entry in /etc/ssl/CA/index.txt shall be removed, otherwise the key creation will fail.

The following files need to be transferred to the client:

If a certificate is to be used with a web browser, it needs to be converted to pk12 format:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in ${user}.crt -inkey ${user}.key -out ${user}.p12
The resulting .p12 file contains the client certificate to be imported into the browser.

Further reading:

April 2007